Friday, December 19, 2008

I Love my Job

This is me at work with my husband :)

Monday, November 10, 2008


I know it's been ages since I last posted, but it's been an insane month or so.
Skipping all that and moving to last week, PI just took me on a great date. We went to be part of a studio audience for 3 radio broadcasts last week :) I haven't laughed that hard in ages. It was great!

Friday, September 26, 2008


No strike for me :)

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Hey everyone. I haven't posted in a while as life has been...a bit too exciting.
Life seems to be returning to normal somewhat. We've moved and will be sorting through all our stuff...where did we get so much stuff?!?!?!...for the next month or 2, but we have so much more space now. It's a fantastic place! Also much more convenient to work.

Work is going well. I'm loving it, so I hope they're liking me too.

The nurse is no longer coming for PI. He just has to go see if he needs surgery now.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Whale Watching!

Well, we're back from IFLA and our anniversary vacation. We had a great time in Quebec City, an amazing and scenic drive along the coast and, the highlight, whale watching! The second 2 pictures are a family of Fin whales - a baby, mother, and another adult. They got about 10 ft. from the boat! We also saw some humpbacks, minki, and grey seals.

Monday, August 04, 2008

Exciting Summer!

I've now had a month at my job and am loving it :) The staff is great, I'm doing what I want to be doing, it's lots of fun, etc. Last week was a bit silly, but I had a nice break this weekend w/ the long weekend and next week is IFLA, so I should be fine for a while!

Went to the same awesome concert as PM and MT.

PI and I signed a lease on Sat, so we'll be getting around to moving in the near future. That should be fun :P We'll have much more space and it's PERFECT for getting to work.

E, T, e, and A were here from BC last week and we had a good time celebrating mom's birthday as well as Mrs. H's 90th! We also went for dinner, played w/ e, etc. and generally caught up.

J and J are here from Aus and we went to the zoo today! PI and I showed J2 around the city a bit yesterday and had some fun. We also went geo-cashing yesterday, which was fun. We'd never done that before.

REALLY looking fwd to N&D's wedding on Fri!!!

Generally, life is exciting...but then, it always is!

Tuesday, July 01, 2008


Happy Canada Day everyone :D
Anyone doing anything exciting...other than sleeping?!

PI and I went to K. for the weekend. Had a great time :) Saw The Complete Works of Shakespeare Abridged which was fantastic except for the part where I got pulled up on stage and had to run back and forth as Ophelia's Id.

Today we're going to go see a movie, relax, have a picnic, and see the fireworks at WL, which I've never done before.

Also, now that I've had a full week at my new job, I think things are going well. Yesterday was a bit insanely busy, but it made the roving bit easy :)

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Convocated and Employed!!!

Well, yesterday was convocation and I'm officially done and have my pretty piece of paper!
I also got offered a job this week!

Friday, June 06, 2008


Well, 'tis the season of conferences :) Now that OSCC is over I'm proceeding on to library conferences!

I've already been to help out with Forest of Reading, which was great. I'd love to be a bit more active in that next year.

Next is Book Expo. I'm really looking forward to this one in particular, since the majority of what I do at the moment is try to keep up with what's being published and what's popular. Really, let's face it, I just love books and it promises to be an exciting couple of days.

Then One Big Library Conference later in June. I don't really know what to expect from this one, but I love conferences and I always learn something, so I'm going to that one too.

Last, but not least...unless I sign up for something else...ILFA!!! There was no way I was going to miss out on this when it was so close. It's usually on the other side of the world.

Since the rest of my life generally consists of reading and job hunting, it's not very exciting...though we had an alien fruit picnic last week that was great fun, and courtesy of wedding money from my Grandmother, we got an awesome tent :)

Monday, May 12, 2008

Conference Pics

Just a few, as yet unedited conference photos
OSCC 2008

Saturday, May 03, 2008


Oh well, no go on either of those interviews.

We are currently at to come :)

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Well, I've just had my first 2 professional interviews. I think I did well on both of them...Guess I'll let you know some time in the middle of next week. Both positions are interviewing until Fri and will then let me know. Cross your fingers!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Project Outpost

I promised a friend I would post this. Click on the pic to make it bigger:

Monday, April 14, 2008


I'm DONE!!! There is no more school, I have finished!!!!
I will celebrate!!!!! Let there be celebrations!!!!

Sunday, March 16, 2008


For current events, check out hubby's blog.

In other news, I've found a great food blog :)
The Barmy Baker

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Musical Torture

I don't know what I think about the Torture Song List, but I thought I'd share it anyway. Heard about it on CBC.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Musical Vegetables

Hey everyone,
Sorry I haven't posted in a while. Things have been quite busy.
First of all, Happy Valentines day everyone! Anyone doing anything exciting?

Last weekend was our room mate's Christmas party (it got postponed b/c of the storm). I made enough food for about 20 people and, since there were only 5 of us, we were rather stuffed by the tine we were done...and there were a lot of left overs. It was fun, though. Just wish we'd had more time.

We went to a game night at our new favourite store. The next game night is this Sat., but I don't think we'll be able to make it.

I went to the librarian's conference and had a good time. Hopefully I'll be able to spend more time at the next one. It was kind of bad timing this year.

Other stuff has been happening, but I doubt you want a blow by blow account of my life. So instead, I don't know if I've mentioned them before, but thought people like to know about/be reminded of the Vegetable Orchestra web site - example of music.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Last Week

Last week was a reasonably active one.
I dropped by to see the twins and give T a break for a bit. They're so much bigger now! Starting to sleep a bit more at night, too. I got my hair cut that day, too. The knots were driving me insane. Classes began again. They don't seem to be that bad this term, though there are a couple of scary ones. On Sat some FISers came for dinner and games. It's always good to have company :) Also on Sat., PI and I started Tai Chi w/ PM and MT. We both enjoyed it well enough, so will probably keep up with it. While we were there, however, I forgot to show PM my hair cut :( On Sun. PI and I went to C's birthday party (happy birthday C!)which meant skating at NP's[]. It's been a VERY long time since I've been skating and my legs hurt quite a bit afterwards. It was better by dinner, though.

Sunday, January 06, 2008

Happy Birthday to Me :D

I had quite a nice birthday despite being sick :) PI and I were both home sick on Friday together. We watched a couple of movies, played some Mario Galaxy and some Talisman (PI's new board game....a return from highschool).

On Sat (my actual birthday) I slept in, played more Mario Galaxy, made some crackers, and went to my parent's for dinner. Dinner was fantastic. They got a live lobster (very yummy) which went w/ roast chicken and potatoes, spring rolls a shrimp ring, mini quiche, dip, crackers, baked brie, corn, Champagne, wine, and probably some other food I've forgotten. We were all STUFFED. There was also fruit salad w/ whipped cream and home made fudge for dessert. Always the fudge!!! Love the fudge!!! I opened presents, and we played Trivial Pursuit before realizing it was late and we all needed some sleep...esp since we're all sick.

Today PI and I slept in even more, had a nice, if brief, morning together, then went down town. We had a very light lunch and went shopping. I really wanted to pick up Settlers of Catan and, while we were at our new favourite store (Hairy Tarantula) also found the Dilbert game, which we, of course, had to get! I spent the rest of my birthday money on The Muppet Show Season 2. We then went to the Eaton's centre because I only own 1 pair of pants at the moment....or I did until we went to the Eaton's centre. After that...the reason we were down town in the first place...PI had plans for me....we went to 360 for dinner! VERY yummy :) I had dill scones w/ mackerel and cucumber, smoked salmon, steak w/ mashed potatoes and gratin veggies, asparagus, and a chocolate tower. We also had a nice red wine with dinner. The view was great until the last half hr when the fog descended.

It was a great birthday. Unfortunately, classes start again tomorrow...but I don't have classes on Mondays :) See all you FIS-ers on Tues.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008


Happy New Year everyone!

New Year 2007-2008

I hope this year is a fantastic one for everyone :)