Friday, June 22, 2007

Wedding Update and Cameras

Went to lsp's CD launch on Monday night :D We had a good time even though we had to leave early 'cause it was well past our bed time. Picked up the CD (of course).

Wedding plans are progressing nicely. We're finally down to the small stuff. All the big stuff will be done as of Sat afternoon. *phew*!!! There's still a million things to do, but the huge stressful stuff is done. (Though I guess licencing and alcohol shouldn't count as small stuff, the wedding will go on w/o them if necessary. It will not go on w/o rings or a dress :P)

Went for lunch w/ S and A yesterday in the market. I don't usually like vegetarian stuff (not being a fan of most vegetables) but the food was good and we had a good time. We then spent a few hours searching C.T. for floating candles and were very unsuccessful.

Last night we got cameras for the tables, continued our long and painful search for the right floating candles, and dropped my ring at the jewellers (I feel so weird w/o it!).

We also got to spend some wedding present money last night! We got a zoom lens for the camera and a tripod w/ a 3 way tilt. We had a tripod which is still great for light weight stuff, but after trying to film w/ it at conference this year, we REALLY needed something w/ a tilt for filming and any pan shots. We also got a replacement BBQ/Camp Stove because the one we had died. This is much more efficient. The previous one was going through almost an entire cylinder of gas in one meal just trying to stay lit. We had just enough money left over to pick up some coolers or refill some of the flagging bar stock so we can kick back and Oct. when we have some free time :P

Monday, June 18, 2007

Flag Raising

The flag pole came down a couple years ago to make way for the tent for I&T's wedding. Since then, a new one has been acquired (courtesy of I&T) and it was put up this weekend.

Flag raising at the B parent's place.

That's the small version of the photos. The large ones are not even sort of visible on a single screen.

Monday, June 11, 2007


Yesterday was my first surprise anything! Bear, Mom, I&T, et al, managed to pull off a surprise wedding shower. I was so surprised when we arrived! Bear had been pushing buttons for weeks and even told me she was having so much trouble getting in touch w/ people that it might have to be cancelled! (It was supposed to be next week)

I had a great time and am now mostly recovered from the shock :D

Thank you to everyone for coming and for all your generous gifts! They are all fantastic. I now have to have a wine and cheese BBQ picnic w/ a huge shepherds pie, some kind of dessert squares, stew, and little chocolate dessert thingies :) Stu and I spent quite a lot of time cleaning out the kitchen so everything fits and there's room for more...we got carried away and forgot to have dinner :S

A special thanks to all the out of town people for driving in! It was great to have everyone there :D

Wednesday, June 06, 2007


Click for larger image.

Monday, June 04, 2007


Since the last post we have gone to see Pirates of the Caribbean III, which was better than II, had the OSCC wrap up meeting (which was much less painful than usual), had lunch w/ old friends and met up elsewhere with others, been to the B twin's birthday party, started designing wedding rings, and been to a potluck/engagement party/general get together at N and D's.

Yesterday we were in L for JB's retirement concert, reception, etc. He more than deserves a wonderful retirement, but it is sad to see him go. I've worked w/ a TON of choral conductors, and he's wonderful to work with. Gets amazing results. Hopefully we'll get the photos up soon.