Saturday, October 13, 2007


I've just won a Roald Dahl prize pack from Indigo/Chapters! 10 books with the new anniversary covers :) They arrived in the mail yesterday.


Anonymous said...

How many books did you say? Five? *sneaks out quietly with the other five for herself...*

Bubbles said..., 10, sorry :P

Anonymous said...

you lucky bum!
how in the world did you win those?!

where're mine? *sigh* :(

Bubbles said...

I'm afraid you'll have to blame it on my dad. It runs in the family.

Anonymous said...

Well, maybe I can borrow one.

Bubbles said...

Same as always :)

Have you read the new Tamora Pierce yet? You loved the rest of that series.

Anonymous said...

Which new one?

Bubbles said...

The one I'm reading now (look right). Prequil quartet to the Tortall series.