Sunday, August 17, 2008

Whale Watching!

Well, we're back from IFLA and our anniversary vacation. We had a great time in Quebec City, an amazing and scenic drive along the coast and, the highlight, whale watching! The second 2 pictures are a family of Fin whales - a baby, mother, and another adult. They got about 10 ft. from the boat! We also saw some humpbacks, minki, and grey seals.

Monday, August 04, 2008

Exciting Summer!

I've now had a month at my job and am loving it :) The staff is great, I'm doing what I want to be doing, it's lots of fun, etc. Last week was a bit silly, but I had a nice break this weekend w/ the long weekend and next week is IFLA, so I should be fine for a while!

Went to the same awesome concert as PM and MT.

PI and I signed a lease on Sat, so we'll be getting around to moving in the near future. That should be fun :P We'll have much more space and it's PERFECT for getting to work.

E, T, e, and A were here from BC last week and we had a good time celebrating mom's birthday as well as Mrs. H's 90th! We also went for dinner, played w/ e, etc. and generally caught up.

J and J are here from Aus and we went to the zoo today! PI and I showed J2 around the city a bit yesterday and had some fun. We also went geo-cashing yesterday, which was fun. We'd never done that before.

REALLY looking fwd to N&D's wedding on Fri!!!

Generally, life is exciting...but then, it always is!