Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Book Blog and Other News

My children's book blog has finally slowed down (for those of you who think I'm crazy *cough*KL*cough*) as I've now put up most of the books I can think of to put up. There are some I can't find covers for online, and I'll get around to scanning those in eventually, but the majority of posts will now just be what I've read most recently and will be posted as I finish the books. If anyone knows of something I have probably read but forgot to post, plz let me know. Also, books I should definitely read and don't appear to have read yet, let me know about those too. I have a huge list, but I'll get to it eventually.

In other news, wedding stuff is progressing as per usual, busily. Most of the invites are off now, but we're still tracking down a few addresses. Now just waiting for the RSVPs to come back :D We got the first mailed on today (from PM and MT's parents) :D


Anonymous said...

hey miss chica!

i do NOT think you're crazy... it's just that, holly mac (!), every time i check out your blog, there are a ton of new books! for those of us trying (or was, until you started adding way too many ya novels) to read all of the selection, it's a little overwhelming!

have you crossed referenced your previous book list with your blog? that way you could see if you missed any... oh, and is there any way to see titles in alphabetical order, or by author? just asking!

by the way, i'm on the second artemis fowl book. you were right, first one is amazing! can't wait to finish this one.

take care, kl ;)

Bubbles said...

Yup, cross referenced w/ the previous book list. Some of the ones there I can't find pics for online, so I'll have to scan them myself. That'll be a while in coming. Probably some time in Sept.

I might be able to do something about the authors, but I'll have to ask PI if there's anything he can do about the alphabetical. I'll see what I can do.

I've added a * to books I'm especially fond of, and I'm sure they'll change constantly. Sort of a "the 20 books in my top 5" list.

Glad you enjoyed Artemis. He really is awesome.

Bubbles said...

oh, you could always just do a search for the author in the search bar and all his/her stuff should come up.

Anonymous said...

you totally rock!

later gator, kl ;)